Crafted GPT Launched! (Build In Public Update #4)
Sage the Crow, Crafted’s friendly GenAI assistant, is available to the public! Visit to interact with our helpful colleague.
Leveraging AI to Create Affordable Professional Headshots
Visit the Crafted blog to learn about some of the AI projects that we've worked on and how one of those ideas eventually led to the creation of PhotoPacks.AI.
CraftedGPT: Build In Public Update #2
The latest build in public update for CraftedGPT includes key takeaways and technical next steps, including updated product roadmaps, research tools and more.
Introducing CraftedGPT: Let’s Build In Public! (Update #1)
If only there were a technology recently released that effectively synthesized information from semantic chat prompts. Visit today to learn more.
Creating an Interactive Persona
A Crafted product designer weighs the pros and cons of two methods for creating interactive personas: creating a GPT vs. leveraging an assistant API.
Zero to ML Hero: Incremental Approaches to Machine Learning
In this blog post, we’ll uncomplicate incorporating machine learning into your product offering. Visit today to get started.
Crafted Denver Startup Week 2023 Recap
Visit the Crafted blog for a high level overview of our team's talks at DSW 2023 and to learn more about our product development expertise and fun-loving culture!
Beyond the Buzz: The Executive’s Straight-Talk Guide to Machine Learning
This post introduces machine learning at a high level and provides an understanding of its potential for strategic decision-making at the executive level.